Pastor Roger and Lennie Halvorson planted Church of Living Water in 1987. Their passion was to build a strong church family committed to bringing people to a relationship with Jesus and leading them to a life of obedience to God. They started with only a few other families in Fresno and the journey began. Along with their kids and a Dream Team of great people the church has grown into a thriving community serving their community.

 In 2005, Pastor Roger accepted the assignment of Bishop to 45 churches in our conference and Pastor Anthony and Laura Holmes were embraced as the new lead pastors of Living Water. 

Since then, the church has continued to grow into a great faith based community. Pastor Anthony says, “We have no intention of being the biggest church in town, but we endeavor to be the best expression of the family of God.” Regardless of your season of life there is a place for you to be connected and involved at Living Water Church. 



The Bible is God’s Word of life to the world. Through the Bible we discern the voice and actions of God in human history. Through the Bible, we learn Who we worship. From the worship of God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, we learn how to live as citizens of His Kingdom on earth.


The Holy Spirit has called the IPHC to be a people who live and walk in the Spirit. We believe all the gifts of the Spirit are active today. We believe the Holy Spirit empowers the Body of Christ corporately and individually to fulfill the mission of God on the earth.


Holiness is beautiful. God chose us and set us apart for His glory. Our lifestyles reflect the character of the God who called us to Himself. We believe that He calls us to be holy in order to reveal His grace, mercy and love to a broken world.


We know that Christ rules over all creation. Our call is to manifest the reality of His reign. By serving our communities, embracing diversity and reaching the lost, we embody Christ’s Kingdom on earth.


As a church, we are called to corporately and individually see justice established. We intercede for those who have no voice. We stand with the poor, the weak and the oppressed. We will not be silent in the face of injustice. We will be a place of hope.


We celebrate all generations and acknowledge that each is essential in the Body of Christ. We honor those who have gone before us and empower those who are following.  The contribution of each generation is welcomed and encouraged as we pursue our God given destiny. 


All of our resources, whether material or spiritual, are gifts from a loving God.  We do not live fearfully based on our lack. We live gratefully based on God’s provision. We commit ourselves to be obedient as tithers, joyful in giving and generous in heart. As He gave, we give. 


We value all persons within the life of the Church Body. The word says, Every Joint Supplies, and that we are living stones built into a spiritual house. We understand that the community of believers described in scripture as the body of Christ is the safest and healthiest place for individuals who purpose to know God to be connected. It is designed by God to encourage our faith, develop our character, strengthen or walk, and shape the best expression of the character of God and the truths of the Gospel to every generation. 


We believe church ought to be a relevant and exciting place where you can meet with God and get involved in what He’s doing. If you’ve never visited Living Water, we hope you’ll take some time to visit our weekend worship experience or attend our online service. Let us know If you have any questions or have trouble finding anything on our site.


Connect groups have one, simple purpose: to bring people together. We believe God created us to live in relationship with others and only then can we live the full life He intends for us. Sharing life through community is part of our design, but meaningful relationships aren’t always easy to find. That’s why small groups exist—to make these life-changing relationships relevant and accessible to you.

Connect is the best expression of community. Family is what we find as we allow ourselves to be connected to one another the way the scriptures teach us. We discover love, friendship, caring, and the strength of faith as we spend time together in the smaller environments that connect faith families together.


God has an incredible purpose for your life, and the Living Water Growth Track is designed to help you connect with that purpose. On the Growth Track, you will spend four Sundays diving into what it looks like to follow Jesus, connect to the church, discover your purpose and then make a difference with your life.


SERVE: Join the team, Whatever your gifting, there is a place for you on the Living Water Team! 

GIVEGenerosity is our privilege because Jesus was first generous towards us. Join with the vision of Living Water Church to make an impact in the Valley.


Just a few people who make Living Water Church happen
Anthony & Laura Holmes
Lead Pastors
Chris & Rachael Watson
Admin, Student Ministries Directors, & Worship Pastors
Roger & Lennie Halvorson
Founding Pastors
Stuart & Ann Chandler
Elders, Women's Ministry Director
Dale & Martha Allen
Elders, Licensed Church Minister
Leroy Barnett
Ben & Jocelyn Akioyame
Youth Ministry Director
Jonathan Holmes
Lead Usher, Financial Peace University
Marty Castonan
Men's Ministry Director